I like the end of your article. It's not a comparison or competition between how women choose to live their lives.
The key word is choice.
That would also explain why housewives in the past were unhappy--they didn't have a choice. You can't compare modern women who have many options but choose to stay at home and raise their children and look after their families with women who never got the opportunity to have an education/career, and it wasn't even an option for them.
I don't think anyone thinks stay at home moms are supposed to be unhappy. But it's literally women who have stayed at home, or who do the majority of household chores, who have created a narrative that they can be or feel unappreciated. I don't think anyone would say they feel that way if they didn't say it.
But I love the perspectives from stay at home moms who love it... I know there are communities and those narratives should be pushed more...