If You Have Symptomatic Covid-19, Please Go To The Doctor
I’m on my seventh day with Covid-19, and this is my first day waking up feeling decent…and I still feel iffy. My sense of taste and smell are not 100% back. I could not taste my toothpaste when I brushed my teeth this morning nor could I smell my soap when I showered. My nose is still stopped up, and I’m still coughing up green goo. Sorry, but it’s true.
It’s been a rough ride — made rougher by the fact that I didn’t go to the doctor’s office until the fifth day — Wednesday.
Right now my temp is 99.2, and I just cannot get it down to its normal 98.6 even though I’ve been taking Tylenol/Advil consistently. At 10:30, I can take my morning dose of Paxlovid and my antibiotic. I can also have some more cough syrup.
Before this, I was starting to think that I was one of the people who couldn’t catch COVID-19. I worked in-person at the beginning of COVID, right after lockdown, when there really weren’t any reliable treatments. I was exposed to COVID-19 multiple times. Sometimes it seemed like everyone around me got it but I didn’t.
Or, I thought I’d had COVID already, but was asymptomatic so I didn’t know it.
Never speak too soon…