Why call it "sexual preferences" and not dating preferences. It's also not patronizing to women, especially an 18 year old girl, to tell them it's men out there who will prey on their naïveté and inexperience. To tell them that these older men will possibly be controlling, jealous because they're old, abusive, and demanding. I don't know any man who wants his 18 year old, girl or boy, with someone old enough to be their parent--like literally the same age as them. So don't make this about women. When it's an 18 or 19 year old, or even woman in their early 20s, who's dealing with a man who only dates younger, it's about being predatory. Not about preference. So it seems my essay went over your head. Also, if you didn't meet your wife when she was a teen, this doesn't even really apply to you. Argue with the stats, not me.