You don’t have to respond but I will. Is any of that any of your business? Are you married to Jada? Do you know what Will Smith has done, or hasn’t done, in that marriage? No you do not. An open marriage implies both parties seek other partners, and it’s not cheating. How in the world can you judge one person in an open marriage but not the other?? Like I said, it all goes back to people being in their feelings because they think Jada was cheating on Will—which is none of their business. What kinda people do you hang around who think it’s okay for a Black man to pick on a Black woman for almost 30 years, call her a b-word, then cry to a room full of white people when her husband slaps him? Also why is he so mad at Jada? Will slapped him. Then Chris Rock says he wants to watch a movie so he van watch Will Smith be whipped by a white man. Do not bring up race in defense of Chris Rock. At the end of the day he is a 🦝 and that’s why people liked seeing him being slapped 👋🏾